The FREE thing you can do right now to increase your visibility on Instagram


The FREE thing you can do right now to increase your visibility on Instagram

ENGAGE!!!! I mean that’s what everyone’s goal is right? More engagement? So why not be on the forefront. 

Instagram’s main goal is to keep people on Instagram. So the more you engage the more likely you are to be seen. 

If you are ACTIVE on Instagram: posting to your feed, posting to stories, and INTERACTING with others Instagram rewards you with better visibility (meaning they’ll show your content to more people) when YOU are active.

Every comment you make keeps someone on Instagram longer right? Instagram likes that! So respond by saying “yay thank you! We’ll show your post to more of your audience now”

If you're wondering HOW to do that, click here to check out my $17 Instagram Engagement Plans.

It's your 30-day repeatable checklist for growing your audience organically!

Come say "HI" on my Instagram - you'll find fun and interesting deep dives into marketing, money, and mindset!

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